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2nd Pan-American Congress of Physiological Sciences


Please note that recording (photographing, audio taping or videotaping) any presentation/session is PROHIBITED, except by a PanAm2019-authorized agent.


Each poster board is marked with a unique poster board number.





  • Presenters must mount their posters no later than 10:00 AM on their day of presentation.

  • The Exhibit Hall opens at 8:30 AM to mount posters.

  • Presenters are expected to be at their poster boards during the assigned session presentation time.

  • Posters must remain on display all day from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

  • Recording (photographing, audio taping or videotaping) any presentation/session is PROHIBITED, except by an PanAm2019-authorized agent or by First Authors who want to photograph their poster presentation.





Posters should be readable by viewers ONE METER away. Use large print and shade or color block letters when possible.   A minimum font size of 28 point and a maximum of 600 words are recommended. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.


The poster-board surface area is 0.8 X 1,2 METERS. Prepare a  headline strip that runs the full width of the poster. Include the title, authors, and affiliations. Post a large-typed copy of your abstract in the upper left-hand corner. Remember to leave space on the board for colleagues to leave notes and include an email address for viewers to contact you later.





The following guidelines will help improve the effectiveness of your poster communication:


Initial Sketch - Plan your poster early. Focus your attention on a few key points that follows the main headings in your abstract typically Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.


Rough Layout - Enlarge your best initial sketch, keeping the dimensions in proportion to the final poster. Ideally, the rough layout should be full size. A blackboard is a convenient place to work. Print the title and headlines. Draw rough graphs and tables.


Final Layout - The artwork is now complete. The text and tables are typed. Now ask, is the message clear? Do the important points stand out? Is there a balance between words and illustrations? Is there spatial balance? Is the flow from Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion easy to follow?


Balance - The figures and tables should cover slightly more than 50% of the poster area. If you have only a few illustrations, make them large. Do not omit the text, but keep it brief. The poster should be understandable without oral explanation.


Topography - Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon. Use a consistent font throughout.


Eye Movement - The movement of the eye over the poster should be natural, down the columns or along the rows. Size attracts attention. Arrows, pointing hands, numbers, and letters can help clarify the sequence.


Simplicity - Resist the temptation to overload the poster.






You must have to carry with your poster from your country. PANAM 2019 does not guaranties the impression of the posters, in spite of there are some places in Havana that could do it, you have to look for it. The Local Organizing Committee cannot supply this type of information.

2nd Pan-American Congress of Physiological Sciences
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