The CIGB's Direction of Biomedical Research invites you to attend the IX International Meeting on Bioinformatics and OMICs: BIOINFOMICs 2019, an International Meeting on Bioinformatics and OMICs which is going to be held in Cayo Santa María (23-27 October).
BIOINFOMICs 2019 will be held from October 24 to 27, 2019 in Cayo Santa Maria. This new edition of OMIC aims to integrate Genomic and other omics-based approaches that are now widely used in biomedical research to facilitate the understanding of the mechanisms of disease and the identification of molecular targets and biomarkers for therapeutic development and diagnosis.
Nowadays, biomarkers are mainly molecular makers, such as genes, proteins, metabolites, glycans and other molecules, which can be used for the diagnosis of diseases, prognosis, prediction of therapeutic responses and therapeutic development.
Our meeting will bring together some of the world's leading researchers and specialists in these topics and will not only provide the opportunity for researchers and participants from around the world to share and discuss results and experiences related to these hot topics, but it will also provide a framework for establishing new international collaborations and eventually business opportunities.
WORKSHOP "Tools available for proteomic of 2020’s" | 2 days, 23-24 October
Sponsored by BMBF
Thanks to Prof. Jacek Wisniewski from Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry and CIGB
CONFERENCES on OMICS: recent technology and applications | 3 days, 24-27 October
Deadline for Early Registration Monday | August 19th 2019
Deadline for submission of Abstracts Monday | September 23th 2019
Workshop Bus from Havana to Melia Las Dunas Hotel October 22th, 2019 at 8:00 AM
provided by
INVICTA Group Services
To satisfy regulations in both Cuba and the United States, you will need to carry the following documentation. These documents will be given to you by INVICTA GROUP SERVICES:
LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION from INVICTA GROUP SERVICES stating that you are traveling under one of the approved categories
all travelers
I am a full-time professional whose travel transactions are directly related to attending a professional meeting or conference in Cuba, which directly relates to my profession, professional background or area of expertise, including are of graduate level full-time study; for which the purpose of the meeting or conference is not to promote tourism in Cuba and whose schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full time schedule of attendance at professional meetings or conferences.
all payments via
INVICTA Group Services
All the fees here are presented in the Cuban Peso Convertible (CUC), the official currency in Cuba, which exchange rate correspond to approximately to 1.00 CUC for US $ 1.00 if payment is made in the US, via INVICTA Group Services. All hotel fees must be paid in advance before congress.
Those people interested in paying all registration fees in Cuba, must make it at the right moment of the registration at the Havana International Conference Center, by using the official circulating currency in Cuba 1.00 CUC for US$ 0, 8685.
1st day - two sessions
Prof. Dr. Marcus Krüger
University of Cologne, Germany
Proteomics, PTM
Dr. Renata Blatnik
German Centre for Cancer Research, Germany
Prof. Dr. Harald Mischak
Mosaiques-Diagnostiques, Germany
Biomarkers, proteomics, CE-MS
Dr. Florian Meier
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Germany
MS Instrumentation, proteomics
Prof. Bernhard Kuster
Technical University of Munich, Germany
​Proteomics, PTM
Prof. Jacek Wisniewski
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Germany
Sample preparation, Quantification
2nd day - one session
Christoph Wichmann
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Proteomics by Maxquant/Perseus
Hamid Hamzeiy
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Proteomics by Maxquant/Perseus
Conferences on OMICS: recent technology and applications
Six Symposia on Proteomics and Metabolomics
A- Novel instrumental aproaches,
B- Sample preparation, PTM enrichment, Top-Down experiments,
C- Quantitative approaches,
D- Systems Biology, Interactomics,
E- Bioinformatic tools,
F- Human diseases, clinical applications, biomarker discovery, plant proteomics
Symposium "Genomics and Bioinformatics in Medicine"
Topics of interest:
Personalize and Precision Medicine
Genetics and cellular Therapies
Biomarker Signatures
Molecular Diagnostics
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Liquid Biopsy & Circulating Nucleic Acids
Integrative Big Data Analysis
Non-coding RNAs-microRNA, isomiRs, small RNAs, long non-coding RNAs
MicroGenomics & Single-Cells Diagnostics MIQE & QM & Standardisation Strategies in Molecular Diagnostics
List of Oral Presentations The following Oral Presentations will be delivered at BIOINFOMICs 2019
Gerardo E. Guillén Nieto, PhD
"Pending Title"
Biomedical Research Director, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Luis Javier Gonzalez, PhD
"Biological and mass spectrometric characterization of peptide-protein conjugated vaccine candidates against ticks"
Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Dr. Albert Lebedev
"Sequencing of natural frog peptides as possible pharmaceuticals of future generation"
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dr. Alexey Kononikhin
"Pending Title"
Jacek Wisniewski
"Pending Title"
Max-Planck Institue for Biochemistry
Berhard Kuster
"Integrated proteomic and transcriptomic analysis identifies determinants of protein abundance in 29 human tissues" and "The target landscape of clinical kinase inhibitor drugs"
Technical University of Munich
Marcus Krueger
"Pending Title"
Harald Mischak
"Pending Title"
Renata Blatnik
"Pending Title"
Center for Molecular Biology of Heidelberg University (ZMBH)
Florian Meier
"It takes two to tango: TIMS and PASEF"
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Christoph Wichmann
"Viva la adquisición! MaxQuant.Live revolutionizes instrument control"
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Hamid Hamzeiy
"Multi-omics analysis of in vivo circadian data reveals mechanisms of enzyme activity regulation"
Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Abstracts for presentations in BioInfOMICs 2019 meeting should send to biomed@cigb.edu.cu
before September 23th , 2019
Abstracts for Oral Presentations
Abstracts for Oral Presentations must be written in English and should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should be emailed to the organizers like a Short Report as follows:
Arial 11pt font and single line spacing.
Title: 100 characters (not including spaces).Bold.
Authors: 110 Characters (not including spaces). Only Last Name, followed by initials, in italics (Perez, C)
Affiliations: Each author should be listed by department, institution, city, and country.
Body: single paragraph no more than 1500 characters long (including spaces). Text alignment should be justified.
Do not include Tables, figures or Graphs.
Email address of the presenting author is required.
Abstracts for Poster Presentations
(Short Reports)
Abstracts for Poster Presentations must be written in English and should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should be emailed to the organizers like a Short Report as follows:
Arial 11pt font and single line spacing.
Title: 100 characters (not including spaces).Bold.
Authors: 110 Characters (not including spaces). Only Last Name, followed by initials, in italics (Perez, C)
Affiliations: Each author should be listed by department, institution, city, and country.
Body: single paragraph no more than 1500 characters long (including spaces). Text alignment should be justified.
Do not include Tables, figures or Graphs.
Email address of the presenting author is required.
of the Poster
The posters must have the following dimensions:
height: 120 cm
width: 80 cm
Abstract Submission Deadline
Monday, September 23th, 2019
INVICTA Group Services